The Department of Health Legal and Legislative Services had developed the WA Health Student and Confidentiality Declaration v1.0 June 2016 (attached), which will soon be available for downloading on the Department of Health research governance forms website. The Declaration affords WA Health the right to review the students thesis prior to publication.
This form will be required to completed by all non-WA Health students (e.g. students affiliated with WA universities) that are involved in conducting research within WA Health. The declaration should then be submitted with the governance application to the relevant Research Governance Office. For students, this declaration will replace the current requirement to complete the WA Health Declaration of Confidentiality (DoC). The DoC will still need to be completed by non-WA Health employees who are not students.
WA_Health-Student-Research-and-Confidentiality-Declaration-v1 0-June 2016