WA COVID-19 Research Collaboration
The WAHTN was formed five years ago to help coordinate WA medical research efforts, especially its translation into practice. Given our traditional role as a network, as well as being personally requested by the WA Department of Health and WA Health Minister, we have been working with our members to build a coordinated research response to COVID-19. The aim of our WA COVID-19 Research Collaboration efforts is to study and minimise the health and other consequences of COVID-19, as well as providing the infrastructure required to enable these efforts. We have established distinct streams of work that allow researchers from across WA to contribute to this endeavour, whether that be through data and relevant specimen capture, supporting existing clinical trials or initiating new clinical trials and studies to help mitigate the effects of the virus. To learn more please see our guiding document.
This web page provides a transparent look into our state collaboration efforts including access to relevant documents, meeting outcomes and useful COVID-19 related resources and links. As the only body engaging with all research sectors, the WAHTN is best placed to coordinate the various research streams, coordinate funding from government, other agencies and philanthropy, and ensure that funded research is relevant, timely and coordinated. Our efforts during this pandemic will therefore have an enduring impact and inform and support WA’s approach to future pandemics.
COVID-19 Research Collaboration Meetings
As social engineering is working to “flatten the curve” to allow our health system to cope, health researchers are working to provide new tools, techniques and treatments aimed at slowing and preventing transmission and minimising the symptoms of COVID-19.
The weekly meetings of WAHTN partner institutions are an opportunity for WA to coordinate a collaborative research driven response to the COVID-19 outbreak, to inform service delivery, reduce transmission, protect both healthcare workers and patients and provide timely treatment. West Australians should be reassured that the research community is pulling out all stops to meet this unique challenge in a step-wise, cooperative manner.
- Monday, 14 September 2020
- Monday, 10 August 2020
- Monday, 13 July 2020
- Monday, 15 June 2020
- Tuesday, 2 June 2020
- Monday, 18 May 2020
- Monday, 4 May 2020
- Tuesday, 28 April 2020
- Monday, 20 April 2020
- Monday, 6 April 2020
- Monday, 30 March 2020
- Monday, 23 March 2020
COVID-19 Research Collaboration Advisory Group Meetings
Please find the meeting minutes of the Advisory Group to the WA COVID-19 Research Collaboration below:
Key related documents
Keep up to date with the WA COVID-19 Research Collaboration:
- COVID-19 Research Collaboration guiding document
- COVID-19 Research Projects
- COVID-19 Research Collaboration contacts
- COVID-19 Research assets and expertise available
- COVID-19 ECU Research assets and expertise available
Western Australian Government announcements
Keep up to date with the latest COVID-19 related announcements from the Government of Western Australia:
- COVID focus for Future Health Research and Innovation Fund grant
- First round of swab testing in schools detects no COVID-19
- Study to investigate plasma potential in COVID fight
- $2.9m to boost local researchers’ quest for COVID-19 answers
- Funding breakthrough for WA health and medical research
- Research expanded to FIFO workers to track possible COVID-19
- New COVIDSafe app to help stop the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus
- More support for Western Australians’ wellbeing during COVID-19
- Amendment to the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 – Involvement of incapacitated adults in research
- New laws to allow doctors to trial new and emerging treatments for COVID-19
- $3 million to provide opportunities for local COVID-19 research
News and Media
Keep up to date with the latest WAHTN and WAHTN partner, COVID-19 related news and media releases:
- The everyday Australians taking part in a human trial of a coronavirus vaccine
- Perth at centre of COVID-19 vaccine trial
- Channel 7 Flashpoint – Demanding change and discussing issues that matter to West Australians
- Young people are getting COVID-19 in drastically different ways and doctors want to know why
- Collaborative Research Leads Fight Back Against COVID-19
COVID-19 Research funding
Keep up to date with the funding opportunities that have been released to support the response to the COVID-19 outbreak in Australia:
Australian Government
The Australian Government has, to date, released the following grant opportunities to accelerate research to develop treatments for those individuals infected with COVID-19:
- Australia-India Strategic Research Fund Round 13 COVID-19 Collaborative Research Projects – Applications close: 5pm (ACT), 2 July 2020
- 2020 COVID-19 Mental Health Research Grant Opportunity – Applications close: 5pm (ACT), 13 July 2020
- MRFF 2020 COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Research grant opportunity – Applications close: 5pm (ACT), 15 July 2020
- MRFF 2020 COVID-19 Immunological Studies Grant – Applications close: 5pm (ACT), 23 July 2020
Western Australian Department of Health
Please note: Although applications are now closed, a new round may be announced when funding becomes available. Please keep an eye on this space.
The COVID-19 Research Grants Program has been established to provide funding for high-quality COVID-19 related research projects that have the potential to be translated into improved policy and/or practice across the WA public health system. The scope of possible research includes prevention, surveillance, diagnostics, treatments, vaccines and mental health repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications close 1pm (AWST), 8 April 2020.
World Universities Network
The World Universities Network is making available a limited number of grants for collaborative projects that focus on research challenges related to the present pandemic, and are urgent and of the moment, i.e., ones that deal with questions that need to be tackled now, and can’t reasonably be addressed through a Research Development Fund application submitted in the normal annual cycle.
They therefore welcome special requests to support projects that a) should be undertaken now, because circumstances will be less favourable later; and b) benefit particularly from collaboration among WUN partners (e.g., capitalize on the geographical and cultural diversity of the network).
Requests for support, for up to a maximum of £10,000 (approx. AU$20,000), will be evaluated in consultation with the relevant Global Challenge steering group, to ensure that whatever support they provide is well directed.
Project proposals must include at least three WUN member universities across two or more countries, and funds should be expended within one year of the award. Applications must be no more than 3 pages in length, and should respond to the following questions:
- What is the problem—how does the project specifically address the impact of COVID-19, and why does it need to be started now?
- What is the project plan?
- Who will form the team and how is this collection of talent particularly suited to ensure best outcomes for the project?
- What special value is added by assembling a team drawn from WUN researchers?
- What will be the impact of the project, for WUN members and/or for society?
- How will funds be spent?
Proposals will be accepted up until 15 May 2020. These will be reviewed on a rolling basis. As the number of awards is limited, WUN recommends submitting proposals as soon as possible.
If you are interested in applying, please email Michelle Emmett.
Study protocols and reliable resources
We will continue to keep you updated with relevant and reliable study protocols and resources as part of our research collaboration. For a full list of study protocols and reliable resources please see our WA COVID-19 Research Collaboration Study protocols and reliable resources page.