On 5 and 13 September, the WA Health Translation Network held Retreats over two days, with presentations from a wide range of WAHTN’s partners to showcase Western Australia’s exciting and vast range of initiatives and key translational research successes. The two days focused on WAHTN’s enabling platform activities and themes, and on building physician-research translation.
We were delighted to be joined by two leading academics, Professor Hans Meij from the Melbourne Academic Centre for Health (MACH) and Professor Alex Brown from the South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI). Both organisations were successful in receiving recognition as an Advanced Health Research and Translation Centre (AHRTC) in 2015.
Hans Meij shared with attendees the aims of MACH and their focus on increasing research and research output; increasing clinical translation of research; improving patient care; and integration of the network.
Alex Brown highlighted the successes SAHMRI has had in the area of Aboriginal Health research and further challenges still faced.
The Retreats received positive feedback from attendees and assisted with discussion surrounding collaborative opportunities activities amongst WAHTN’s partners.
A copy of the program can be found here.