The Western Australia Health Translation Network attended the 2017 AusBiotech conference, held in Adelaide in October. The AusBiotech conference is the leading life sciences event in Australia attended by national and international delegates. Conference exhibitors included representatives from a variety of Australian biotechnology research organisations and commercial entities; including medical therapeutics and medical technology groups. The purpose of WAHTN’s attendance was to develop our networks, advertise our partners and propagate the narrative of WA-based medical research by promoting past achievements and future opportunities relating to biotechnology and medical research in WA.
The ‘Team Perth’ pavilion took the form of a 6 x 6 metre space within the industry exhibition hall, open to all conference delegates from Wednesday 25th – Friday 27th October 2017. The pavilion consisted of nine Perth based organisations; WAHTN, the City of Perth, Linear, SUDA, Murdoch University, the Telethon Kids Institute, the University of WA, Proteomics and Epichem. Each were provided with a lockable cupboard and printed panel to showcase their own materials and brand. WAHTN provided delegates with several promotional flyers advertising WAHTN and the WAHTN Enabling Platforms including; the Clinical Trials Network, the Australian National Phenome Centre, the Research Education and Training Platform and the WA Cohorts Network. Additionally, we worked with Linear and the City of Perth to produce a short video, shot using drone footage to showcasing our partner institutions.
Involvement in this event has resulted in WAHTN developing a stronger relationship with the peak body for biotechnology and medical technology, AusBiotech, which will provide exciting opportunities for the future. This is anticipated to lead to more events, support, and opportunities to network with national and international investors.