Attached is a summary from the Association of Australia Medical Research Institutes (AAMRI) of the 2018-19 Federal Budget.
The highlights are as follows:
A total of $275.4M will be invested over the forward estimates including:
o Mental health – $125M over 10 years from 2017-18 for a Million Minds Mental Health Research Mission to support priorities under the fifth Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan
o AHRTCs – $75M over 4 years from 2017-18 to extend the Rapid Applied Research Translation program that supports Advanced Health Research Translation Centres and Centres for Innovation in Regional Health
o Preventative health – $18.1M over four years from 2017-18 for a Keeping Australians Out of Hospital program to support preventive health, behavioural economics and reduce avoidable presentations to hospital
o Health systems research – $39.8M over four years from 2017-18 for a Targeted Health System and Community Organisation Research program with a focus on comparative effectiveness studies and consumer-driven research
o Women’s Health – $17.5M over four years from 2017-18 for research into Women’s Health and research into Maternal Health and First 2,000 Days to address the underlying social determinants of health that impact on a child’s early days in life.