2019 REDCap Workshops

The Telethon Kids Institute’s Biometrics team provides access to REDCap for all Telethon Kids, Child and Adolescent Health Service (CAHS), and Perth Children’s Hospital (PCH) researchers.

The workshops are intended as a hands on approach for researchers wanting to learn how to build and manage projects within REDCap or further develop skills in order to make use of some of REDCap’s more advanced features.


The REDCap Basics workshop will offer an introduction to building databases in REDCap and will cover basic concepts and best practices to equip researchers in building a database for their research project. This workshop will be most useful to anyone building a new project in REDCap and those who have been tasked with managing or maintaining an existing database.


The REDCap Intermediate workshops offers a more comprehensive look at creating a database and using surveys, and will build upon the topics introduced in the REDCap Basics workshop. Those attending this workshop should be familiar with navigating and using REDCap for project set-up and will be most beneficial to those who have identified an upcoming need for the advanced functionality covered in this workshop.


For more info contact the Research Education Program


Session Dates:

Basics – Monday, 6 May 2019 – Book here

Intermediate – Wednesday, 5 June 2019 – Book here

Advanced* – Wednesday, 3 July 2019 – TBA

*To attend the Advanced workshop you must have either previously attended one of the preliminary sessions (Basics or Intermediate) OR be able to demonstrate you are already administering projects within REDCap