Australia is facing a kidney disease crisis – one in three adults are at risk of chronic kidney disease, one in ten have early signs of disease and more than 1.5 million have no idea they have chronic kidney disease.
The Action Plan for Kidney Disease Strategy (draft) has three priority areas with nine corresponding objectives and 34 individual action items for implementation by the Australian Government, State and Territories, the healthcare and research sectors and chronic disease and consumer peak bodies. It’s anticipated the Action Plan will be released in March 2020.
The Kidney Disease Key Activities grant is to provide optimal care and support for patients, families and carers of those with kidney disease, health professional education and improve research and data on kidney disease.
To be eligible you must:
- Have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- Be registered for the purposes of GST
- Be a permanent resident of Australia
- Have an account with an Australian financial institution
and be one of the following entity types:
- A company incorporated in Australia
- A company incorporated by guarantee
- An incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust
- An incorporated association
- A partnership
- A join (consortia) application with a lead organisation
- An Australian local government body
- An Australian state or territory government body
- An Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations Act 2006
The total amount available is $2.25 million, with the estimated grant value starting from $250,000.
Applications close Thursday February 13 at 11am (AWST). Click here for more information