The International Alliance of Mental Health Research Funders (IAMHRF) has asked NHMRC to circulate an invitation to participate in a survey, which aims to help develop a set of common demographic measures to be used in mental health research in a broad range of contexts. The invitation from the IAMHRF follows:
A serious barrier to understanding mental health conditions has long been the inability to aggregate data across different research efforts. In the wake of COVID, it will be more essential than ever to be able to combine studies and arrive at overall conclusions about the impacts on mental health around the globe. We are asking for your input to help develop a common set of demographic measures to be used in mental health research in a broad range of contexts.
The Data Harmonization working group of the International Alliance of Mental Health Research Funders (IAMHRF) proposes a minimum set of demographic questions to be collected from funded mental health research projects. The IAMHRF is seeking to promote the uptake of a few shared measures that researchers use alongside any other instruments that may further their research interests so that data aggregation may be simplified across the mental health field.
Your expertise as a member of the research community is an essential component in successfully harmonizing data collection and advancing the mental health field. We cannot hope to advance a meaningful set of measures without your guidance.
Please provide your input and help develop a set of common demographic measures here.
This should take you no longer than 20 minutes to complete.
The survey will be open until 15 October, 2020.
We would like to thank you for your interest and essential contribution.
NHMRC encourages researchers in the mental health field to participate in the survey.