Modern research in public health can make substantial differences to millions of people. With this scale in change comes responsibility. Responsibility in ensuring high quality evidence-based decisions are made, resting on good, sound evidence. It brings substantive risk when evidence is misused, misinterpreted, or reflecting a situation that is removed from reality, through inappropriate sampling or data analysis perceptions. Decisions that affect millions of people, and cost hundreds of millions of dollars, may not result in the change that was originally desired, or see resources directed where they are needed. This is a substantial pressure added to public health researchers to ensure sound scientific methodology and clarity in their data and analysis. This seminar will reflect on these pressures and dilemmas as learnings for all.
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UWA, Room 1.81, Anatomy, Physiology & Human Biology Building North
Contact Details:
Debbie Hull: Phone 6488 3313 Fax 6488 1051