Our People


Dr Debbie Turner

Acting Executive Director & Chief Operating Officer, WAHTN

Dr Debra Turner BSc(Hons), PhD is the Chief Operating Officer and Acting Executive Director of WAHTN. Debbie has an extensive background in medical research and government sectors. Prior to joining WAHTN in 2018, Debbie managed the Office of the Chief Medical Officer and the Assistant Director of Clinical Services and Research in the WA Department of Health. She has 10 years experience in public sector policy development and strategic planning within the health and disability sectors. Debbie studied at UWA and undertook postdoctoral studies at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. She spent 20 years as a medical researcher based at Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, Physiology Department at UWA and the Respiratory Department at Princess Margaret Hospital for Children. Her research focus has been on paediatric asthma, atopy and lung disease.

Ms Deb Langridge

Head, Consumer and Community Involvement Program (CCIProgram)

Ms Deb Langridge is the Head of the CCIProgram and is responsible for implementing a state-wide consumer and community involvement program across WAHTN partner organisations.

Deb has worked in the public health and prevention space at all levels of government – Federal, State and Local – and not for profit sectors to contribute to the health and well-being of communities. She has worked to capture the voices of all parts of community including access and inclusion, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, children and young people, mental health, health and community services. Deb has been the Chair of Advisory Groups in both NSW and WA. She has always worked connecting community, government, and community with a well-being focus, and was a representative on WA Sustainable Health Review with this in mind.

Deb’s role leading the Consumer and Community Involvement Program as a platform of the Western Australia Health Translation Network is to connect researchers in WA Universities, Medical Research Institutes, Government, and Health Service Providers with people with lived experience to support and encourage best practice research. Deb is passionate about ensuring research can impact policy, practice and wellbeing of communities and enjoys bringing people together to make a difference.

Professor Chris Reid 

Director, Clinical Trial Enabling Platform – WA (CTEP-WA)

Chris is a cardiovascular epidemiologist with appointments as Research Professor in both the School of Public Health at Curtin University in Perth and the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University in Melbourne. He is Director of the Monash Centre of Cardiovascular Research and Education in Therapeutics and the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Cardiovascular Outcomes Improvement (2016-2020). He holds a National Health and Medical Research Council Senior Research Fellowship in addition to being the Chief Investigator on an NHMRC Program Grant (2016-2020) focusing on cardiovascular disease prevention. His major research interests include clinical outcome registries, randomised controlled trials, and epidemiological cohort studies.

Ms Lauren White

Manager, WAHTN

Lauren is the Manager at WAHTN and is responsible for the business operations and day to day management of the WAHTN office. This includes coordinating the strategic planning process and managing the implementation of activities across WAHTN’s partners and stakeholders.

Lauren’s broad experience has been gained from previous roles across a range of organisations in which she provided high level executive support. This included not-for-profit organisations in Sydney, at the University of Sydney Law School and within a number of divisions at The University of Western Australia.


Dr Tom Pazoum

Lead, Research and Education Training Program (RETProgram)

Dr Tom Pazoum is a full-stack developer at WAHTN. He is responsible for IT development and administration, technical support, and course development for the WAHTN Research and Education Training Program (RETProgram).

Tom has more than 10 years experience in computer programming with a demonstrated record of research in machine learning and image processing. He has a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Artificial Intelligence from Edith Cowan University

Dr Jason Lenzo

Senior Project Officer, WAHTN

Dr Jason Lenzo BSc(Hon), PhD is a Senior Project Officer at WAHTN. Jason has extensive experience in grant writing, grant preparation and scientific communication, obtained from over 20 years in medical research. After completing his PhD at The University of Western Australia Jason worked as a medical researcher at the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research before relocating to Melbourne to take up a position at The University of Melbourne, as a Research Fellow in the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Chronic Inflammatory Diseases. Before returning to Western Australia to work for WAHTN, Jason was working in vaccine development in a joint venture between the CRC for Oral Health, The University of Melbourne and CSL Limited.