
The Western Australian Health Translation Network (WAHTN) is part of the Australian Health Research Alliance (AHRA), a national grouping of the seven National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) accredited Advanced Health Research Translation Centres (AHRTC) and three Centres for Innovation in Regional Health (CIRH) found across Australia.

These Centres are recognised as national leaders in research-based healthcare and training and have been accredited by the NHMRC for excellence in healthcare, research and translation of evidence into patient care. Through nationwide collaboration, the Centres have come together to address and overcome key barriers to translating research into implementable strategies and delivering outcomes to patients.

Learn more about what the Translation Centres are doing and why and how AHRA assists the integration between health research and healthcare.


AHRA Members

Health Translation Queensland Central Australia Academic Health Science Network logo Melbourne Academic Centre for Health logo


NSW Regional Health Partners logoSydney Health Partners LogoMaridulu Budyari Gumal Western Australian Health Translation Network Logo