GRANT & FELLOWSHIP ALERT Yulgilbar Post-Doctoral Researcher Excellence Awards 2016-17


Yulgilbar Post-Doctoral Researcher Excellence Awards 2016-17


The Yulgilbar Alzheimer’s Research Program was established under the umbrella of The Yulgilbar Foundation in 2014, and supports new, exciting research initiatives that define causes and cures for Alzheimer disease.

The Foundation will award five grants of $30,000 each in 2016-2017 to post-doctoral researchers who are working on Alzheimer’s disease.

The Foundation wishes to support new approaches to delaying the onset of the disease, or developing new approaches to therapy.

The grants will be awarded to young investigators:

  • who are between two and six years post-doctoral
  • who are Australian citizens
  • the key criteria for award will be the combination of originality and feasibility of the proposal, its relevance to Alzheimer’s disease, and
  • the proven excellence of the candidate.

The purpose of the one-off award of $30,000 is to enable the researcher to improve his or her ability to carry out exciting research: it could be to initiate an ambitious research project by facilitating collaboration, to present data at national and international meetings, to purchase reagents, time on expensive equipment, or to purchase a researcher (such as a UROP student).  The awardees will be expected to attend a meeting where they present the results from their award.

Applications should be sent electronically to Helen  Morris, Secretary YARP  by 1st August 2016, and should include a full CV of the applicant, a description of the research project and its relevance to Alzheimer’s disease (one page), and a case for the use of the funding (one page).  Both basic scientists and clinical scientists are invited to apply, from any university, institute or hospital in Australia.

The applications will be assessed by the research advisory panel of the Yulgilbar Foundation, and applicants will be told the outcomes by 1st October 2016, when the awards will be announced.

Applications should be sent electronically by 1 August 2016. For grant guidelines and further information, please email Helen Morris:

2017 Australia-Harvard Fellowships

Awards for Researchers and Educators in Biosciences and Medicine

Australia-Harvard Fellowships are offered by the Harvard Club of Australia Foundation (The Foundation) supporting learned exchange between Harvard University and Australia.

These Fellowships are aimed at creative scientists normally based at Harvard who have a persuasive plan for collaborative work in Australia with Australia’s best bioscience researchers and educators. The award also supports Australian researchers who wish to follow-up joint initiatives at Harvard.

The Foundation seeks to attract applicants whose work will bring clear benefit to Australia as well as Harvard. The Foundation normally envisages a working visit of several months, during which it encourages Fellows to interact widely including with educators and students. Some senior applicants favour a shorter visit, but one that enables them to take a primary role in a symposium or instructional course open to numbers of Australians. Another option is the opportunity to undertake longer studies, for example, of sabbatical duration.

The Foundation especially values applicants who can demonstrate strong potential for ‘break-through’ impacts resulting from their collaborations and where its contribution may be seen as ‘seed capital’ for superior innovations.

Australia-based applicants become eligible when they can demonstrate significant value in working at Harvard with a former Fellow from Harvard, and have the intention to bring advances back to their Australian institutions.

Australia-Harvard Fellowship grants are donated to eligible Australian institutions which administer the funds on standard terms. Further details of Australia-Harvard Fellowship are on Harvard Club’s website or contact Prof Mathew Vadas tel: +61 2 95656135, email:

Applications for 2017 awards close on 12 September 2016. Successful applicants will be notified by end-December 2016.


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If you would like a Grant Alert to be issued for your organisation, want to be added to the mailing list or wish to discuss becoming a member, please contact Research Australia directly at or 02 9295 8546.

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