WAHTN’s 2020 Biostatistician Fellowships

The Western Australian Health Translation Network (WAHTN) is inviting applications for 2020 – 2021 Biostatistician Fellowships. The application period closes:  9am (AWST), Monday 25 November 2019.


The Fellowships align with WAHTN’s aim to support emerging research talent, building and strengthening the research workforce within WA, and enhancing our capacity and capability to undertake high quality translational research. WAHTN is offering two (2) Fellowships to employees of WAHTN Partner Organisations to provide protected time to undertake a 12 month Fellowship. The first Fellowship round will be from January 2020 to December 2020 and the second will be from July 2020 to June 2021.


The Fellowships are designed to provide training opportunities for Biostatisticians to develop their skills for consulting with clinical researchers, build relationships for future collaborations, and provide biostatistical support to WAHTN Partner Organisations.


Applications must be submitted by the Applicant to the WAHTN’s Clinical Trial and Data Management Centre (CTDMC) via email at CTDMC@curtin.edu.au. Late applications will not be accepted. Please direct any enquiries to the CTDMC via email: CTDMC@curtin.edu.au or phone: 08 9266 1970.


Download the Application Guidelines and Form here.