Perth Convention Bureau 2020 Aspire Program

The Perth Convention Bureau (PCB) is responsible for marketing Western Australia both nationally and internationally as a destination for conferences. Conferences hosted in Western Australia build the profile of the conference convener, the national organisation, disseminate knowledge locally as well as attract investment and tourism.

The Aspire Program is a highly successful initiative of PCB which facilitates PCB’s novel business methodology of recruiting local conveners within the West Australian community to support bids for international and national conferences.

PCB currently partners with Western Australia’s Universities, the City of Perth, the City of Fremantle, the City of Mandurah, the Australian Institute of Management WA, Giving West and the Telethon Kids Institute.

The aim of the program is to assist the individual’s personal and professional development, either through attendance at a relevant international conference, or by undertaking further study in their chosen field of endeavour. The funding covers travel, accommodation and registration expenses to the maximum value of the award.

For more information regarding each individual 2020 Aspire award and how to apply, please refer to the PCB website or contact the bureau at