CT:IQ – Clinical Trials: Thinking Smarter Survey

CT:IQ Clinical Trials: Thinking Smarter is a cross industry, collaborative group which aims to improve recruitment into clinical trials within Australia. As a part of this project the team are seeking opinions from all parts of the community, including researchers, clinicians, consumers and community members on the barriers and enablers to a site which will be designed to recruite participtants to clinical trials.


The introduction of the survey provides details of the project, confidentiality and privacy of responses. The survey will take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete.

The survey will close on Saturday November 30.

Click here to take the Survey


The ethical conduct of this survey has been approved by the Macquarie University Human Research Ethics Committee (Project ID 5764) and will be carried out according to the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) produced by the NHMRC.


If you have any questions about this survey or the project please contact the CT:IQ Project Manager, Sonia Harvey