Professor John Frank FRSE will be visiting Perth between February 11 and March 4 as a Distinguished Visiting Professor of WAHTN, supported in part by funding to WAHTN from Lotterywest.
Professor John Frank is currently Chair of Public Health Research and Policy and the University of Edinburgh and Director of the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy. Previously he served as inaugural Scientific Director of the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Institute for Public and Population Health, Professor at the University of Toronto. He has also held faculty appointments at UC Berkeley and at McMaster University in Ontario. Professor John Frank is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. He has published more than 150 papers in the peer reviewed literature and several books and book chapters.
He will be leading workshops on “How do you sell your research” and “how do you measure impact” at the UWA University Club, 20 – 23 February. Professor John Frank will work with small groups and individually for this workshop series. Places are limited; please contact Lauren White at WAHTN for further information and reservations.
Professor John Frank’s schedule can be found here