The forum is an opportunity for sharing knowledge, experience, advice, and ideas, in relation to current proposals for clinical trials, with a wide range of researchers from WA. The forum will occur monthly and will generally involve presentation and discussion of two clinical trial proposals. Proposals are welcome from both experienced and less experienced investigators.
The first presentation will be from Graham Hillis who will be talking about the EASY-AS trial:
THE EARLY VALVE REPLACEMENT IN SEVERE ASYMPTOMATIC AORTIC STENOSIS (EASY-AS) TRIAL: SUMMARY The Early valve replacement in severe ASYmptomatic Aortic Stenosis (EASY-AS) randomised controlled trial will test the hypothesis that early aortic valve replacement results in better disability-free survival and fewer major adverse cardiovascular events, when compared to a traditional guideline recommended strategy of ‘watchful waiting’ with valve replacement only if and when symptoms develop. The study will recruit 1,134 patients (567 in each group) with severe asymptomatic aortic stenosis in Australia and the UK, and will have 90% power to detect a 10% absolute improvement in the primary outcome of disability-free survival (75% v 65%) at 3 years. Funding is being sought from both the NHMRC and British Heart Foundation.
The second presentation is yet to be finalised.
If you would like to present a clinical trial proposal at one of our future forums, please contact Sue McDonald
The MRF building is at the rear of 50 Murray Street. Attendees are welcome to park in the bays adjacent to the driveway leading up to the MRF building from Wellington Street. Please see attached map which highlights the parking bays. The MRF building is designated G1 on the attached map.