Consumer and Community Involvement Program (CCI Program)

Governments, funding bodies and research organisations across the world are increasingly recognising the importance of including the lived experiences, values and priorities of consumers and community members into research policies and practice. This supports an aim of increasing translation of research evidence to improve health outcomes. The Consumer and Community Involvement Program (CCIProgram) supports consumers, community members and researchers to work in partnership to make decisions about health research priorities, policy and practice.

Led by Deb Langridge, the CCI Program team works to facilitate and develop numerous workshops, meetings, training programs and resources for researchers, consumers and community members alike. The CCI Program team works closely with Western Australia’s five universities, six medical research institutes, hospitals and health service providers to encourage and facilitate partnerships with consumers and community members. The CCI Program team is excited to see growing opportunities for consumers and community members to be involved in health research, such as major research funding groups like the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) including guidelines which encourage and ensure involvement and participation through the research process.

The CCI Program was established in 1998 through The University of Western Australia’s School of Population Health and the Telethon Kids Institute (founding partners) in response to community concerns and interests regarding the utilisation of linked data for health research purposes. Over the past 22 years, the initiative has evolved into a state-wide platform that is recognised nationally and internationally as a good practice model.

If you are an interested researcher or community member who wants to find out how to be involved, please contact us or join our network.